Funny Facts and Serious Safety.
What’s so funny about April Fools’ Day? Spanning over different cultures, April Fools’ Day is suspected to have started when France made the switch from the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar in 1563. This change resulted in the new year starting on January 1st rather than at the start of the spring equinox. Those who didn’t quite catch on to the new change became the focus of many jokes and pranks, thus, April Fools’ Day was born!
As time went on, the prank-filled day spread and became popular around the world, including in places like Britain and the U.S. Now, April Fools’ Day has housed some hilarious pranks that have caught people off guard worldwide. Some great examples include when Honda Canada announced its new “polite” horn or Heinz’s chocolate mayonnaise debut!
In addition to April Fools’ Day, World Day for Safety and Health at Work falls at the end of the month and is a great reminder for everyone to think both of themselves and others when it comes to working safely and efficiently in the workplace. World Day for Safety and Health at Work is especially important when it comes to prevention. Following the proper procedures and safety instructions can prevent death and injuries for employees, specifically those who work in industries like construction, fishing, landscaping and structural iron and steel.
Safety is a Priority!
Texas Iron & Metal has always and continues to take safety and operations procedures extremely seriously so that our staff remains in a safe-working environment year-round. Right now, we focus a great deal on remaining responsive to recent COVID-19 updates and we put the wellbeing of our staff and customers above all else. We take everyday safety practices seriously and do everything that we can to ensure a thriving environment for our employees.
Reach out to one of our account specialists today if you are interested in our inventory of prime and surplus or Less-Than-Prime© (LTP©) steel. We’re the team that helps tailor your order to meet your budget and specifications. We can’t wait to help you with your next project.